Friday, July 31, 2009

Drawing of the Day: Friday the 31st

here it is, this is pretty representative of the illustrations I've been doing recently, more coming soon,


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My poorly drawn fashion commentary of the day

apparently Kanye has officially brought Tims "back into style." Funny, I've been rocking those for a while, and so have a few others

Something else I want to snuggle with

Murakami is one of my biggest contemporary influences, the man is a genius in his aesthetic and his marketing and collaboration with the corporate world means art reaches more people, commercial people, that it usually wouldn't. Finally he releases an adorable plush that captures everything I love about his art, and that I could actually buy, and I'm broke. I swear if I didn't have a crippling addiction to sneakers and high end skin care products I would be on it so fast, oh, also, if I had a goddamn job.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What I did at work today, part two

Highlighters are awesome, considering they're one of the few mediums that only come in fluorescent neopreme pastel 80's colors,

from now on, by the way, there will be a new piece of art posted by me every monday, wednesday, and friday,

...this counts as wednesday's, I have a lot of shit to do, alright,

please comment, send to your friends, post on your blogs, etc, about these pieces. If there's enough interest any or all of them will be printed in signed and numbered runs of 50, and if there's a huge amount of interest I'll hand silkscreen shirts in signed and numbered runs of 25,

much love to the internets,


Thursday, July 16, 2009

What I did at work this week

A man has to stay productive, doesn't he?

My First Mashup

For Real

Bender-Run vs. Buddy Guy's what type of woman is this?

Leave some comments, keep in mind this is my first try,

What kind of run is this?



Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Long time no see

To all the righteous dudes and dudettes out reading thing, sorry to take so long to update. The past two weeks have been a wild ride, life is Brooklyn is never boring.

That being said, while life has been lacking lows, it's had plenty of high points; among them several concerts.

To start the series off was Blonde Redhead

I went to this one with Ms. Kailyn, the greatest comic artist you've ever known. Your kids are going to grow up with her work, props is due,

The opener was some icelantic chick, pretty wack

Departing from their noisier roots in recent years to a more ambient style of rock one might postulate that Blonde Redhead has mellowed out. Such is not the case, the show was overflowing with an energy and seriousness that rarely comes from a trio. They weren't playful in the least, but had a gravity: all the energy in the venue was drawn to Blonde Redhead who took it, made more out of it, and gave us an incredible show in return. Needless to say, Blonde Redhead melted some serious face.

these were the best pics I could get...sorry

The next day came Dr. Dog with Opening Acts These United States, and Phosphorescent

I had saved some seats for friend Carolyn Gregroire of Blackbook and company, but they couldn't show up. I was bummed until low and behold who should I see but ALEX MADALLENA, the man himself, in the flesh.

we got rained on...

which explains Alex's poncho...almost

I won't lie and say I had heard either These United States or Phosphorescent before, but that being said, I'll be hearing them again.

These United States rocked hard with a uniqe brand of bluegrassy rock that soothed while it amped you up. They also easily won the best facial hair competition, except for that one ginger dude...don't think he could grow one yet.

Alex told me he liked Phosphorescent and was excited to see them, when I asked what they sounded like he said "pretty." They were just that.

Last, but not least were Dr. Dog...who actually brought out a real dog midway through the show. I've never heard someone say a bad thing about a Doc Dog show, and I can't imagine anyone ever would. This was my first time seeing them and they had an incredible draw. It was an old fashioned rock show plain and simple, they were there to please the fans and have fun playing their music, and I'm sure they did both. Everyone in the band was jumping around and just generally enjoying themselves and it rubbed off. The only negative thing I can say is that some of their fans are total brobags, if you keep yelling "wake up...wake us fucking up" they're not going to play wake up.

here's one of them

Believe it or not, that's a man rocking hard...I need a telephoto lense....


anyways. It's been a great run and it keeps on running. Yesterday I saw saul williams at the Afropunk festival...that will be reviewed soon, trust me. It was by far one of the crazies/coolest things I've ever been to. Matt and Kim are coming up this thursday, should be good, and them Melanie Edwards at Public Assembly on Friday. There's also a chance of the roots today (wednesday. It'll be busy,

and for everyone that's been keeping up with it and waiting, KYLIE GELLATLY FEATURE COMING SOON, and a Melanie Edwards feature coming right on its heals.

peace, love, and creativity,